Useful Linux Commands


General File Operations

Append data to a file:

echo "linux" >> hello.txt 
echo "world" >> hello.txt

To view only first two lines from the file:

head -2 hello.txt

Check statistics of file:

stat hello.txt

Display Disk Usage:

du -xh --max-depth=3 [file directory]

Verify file integrity:

md5sum [filename]

Hard Link:

ln hi.txt hello

Soft Link:

ln -s hi.txt hello

File Parsing


grep -r 'Hello' .  # entire directory
grep -i 'lINUX' hello  # case insensitive
grep -n 'linux' hello  # display line number
grep -v 'word' hello  # display lines that do not match pattern

Count line of files:

wc -l haha.txt


cut -f3 -d' ' new.txt  # f: column, d: delimiter


diff [file a] [file b]
diff3 [file a] [file b] [file c]

change permission on all files and sub-directories

chown root:staff -R ~/dir2  # To change permission on all files and sub-directories
chgrp root file1.txt    # change group
chgrp -hR root dir2

File Attribute


To find regular files and invoke the file command on the results, run

find . -type f -exec file '{}' \;

To find regular files and display their attributes using the ls command, run

find . -type f -exec ls -l '{}' \;

To find files over 20 bytes in size and list them out, run

find ~ -type f -size +20c -exec ls -hl {} \;

Locate File and its type

file -s /dev/sda2

Basic Process Commands

“Process is nothing but a file-content which is residing in RAM”

Check process


Kill process

kill [process id]
killall [process name]
killall -u [username]  # kill process owned by user
killall -w find # Wait for all find process to die

Get the process ID of a running program bash:

pidof bash
pidof -s bash  # returns only one process id

Process Priority

nice -n 19 sleep 30 &

-20: most favorable, 19: least favorable, only when nothing runs

Adjust Priority

renice -n 19 [pid]
renice +1 3176
3176: old priority 0, new priority 1

renice +4 3176
3176: old priority 1, new priority 4

To adjust priority for all process owned by a user “webminal”,

renice +1 -u webminal

Provide a dynamic real-time view of a running system


Display a tree of process:

pstree [pid]
pstree -p [pid]  # display a tree of processes

how long it take to complete the program:

time ls -l

parent process

ps -o ppid,cmd 27447

Orphaned process are adopted by init which has pid 1:

     ps S
 2249 pts/1    Ss     0:01 bash
 3325 pts/1    R+     0:00 ps S

Background processes

sleep 45 &      # background process
jobs            # list background jobs
fg 5            # make the fifth item of `jobs` foreground
sleep 3000
Ctrl + z     # stop the job in foreground
bg           # restart the job in background

System and User Details

uptime  # how long this system has been up and running
who   # display details about currently logged users
who -a  # see other linux user  (or w)
mount   # display list of mounted file system
mount -t ext4   # view only ext4 file system
df -h   # display free disk space on mounted devices
free -m  # displays the total amount of free and used physical and swap memory in the system

MySql client

mysql -u yourname -p password
create database universe;
use db_yourname;
create table planets(name varchar(15), position int, has_moon boolean);
show tables;
describe planets;   #  view the format/structure of this type
insert into planets values ('earth',3,1);
insert into planets values ('mars',4,2);
select * from planets;
select * from planets where has_moon=1;
select name,position from planets where has_moon=1;
update planets set position=2 where name="earth";
delete from planets where name="mars";

Scripting Introduction

source ./vars    # sourcing a script
. ./vars       # sourcing a script
bash -x runme      # debug information

prevent setuid root spoofing

#!/bin/bash -
#!/bin/bash --

the script runs in the Korn shell:


test [ ]

The test command can test whether something is true or false.

[paul@RHEL4b ~]$ test 10 -gt 55 ; echo $?
[paul@RHEL4b ~]$

if then else


if [ -f isit.txt ]
then echo isit.txt exists!
else echo isit.txt not found!

if then elif

if [ $count -eq 42 ]
  echo "42 is correct."
elif [ $count -gt 42 ]
  echo "Too much."
  echo "Not enough."

for loop

for i in 1 2 4
   echo $i

with embedded shell:

for counter in `seq 1 20`
   echo counting from 1 to 20, now at $counter
   sleep 1

while loop

while [ $i -ge 0 ] ;
   echo Counting down, from 100 to 0, now at $i;
   let i--;

until loop

let i=100;
until [ $i -le 0 ] ;
   echo Counting down, from 100 to 1, now at $i;
   let i--;


Mount ACL support:

mount -t ext3 -o acl _device-name_ _partition_
mount -t ext3 -o acl /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol02 /work

Set acl:

# setfacl -m _rules_ _files_
# setfacl -m u:andrius:rw /project/somefile
# setfacl -x _rules_ _files_ # remove permissions
# setfacl -x u:500 /project/somefile   # emove all permissions from the user with UID 500
# getfacl home/john/picture.png
# file: home/john/picture.png 
# owner: john 
# group: john 

User and Group Management Tools

  • useradd, usermod, and userdel — Industry-standard methods of adding, deleting and modifying user accounts
  • groupadd, groupmod, and groupdel — Industry-standard methods of adding, deleting, and modifying user groups
  • gpasswd — Industry-standard method of administering the /etc/group file
  • pwck, grpck — Tools used for the verification of the password, group, and associated shadow files
  • pwconv, pwunconv — Tools used for the conversion of passwords to shadow passwords and back to standard passwords
useradd _<username>_
passwd _<username>_
groupadd _<group-name>_
usermod -L _username_    # lock password
chage -d 0 _username_    #  Force immediate password expiration
usermod -p "" _username_   # assign a null password instead of an initial password
